Welcome To Always A Good Day
» » Welcome To Always A Good Day

Welcome To Always A Good Day

posted in: Fly Fishing, Hunting | 0

Since you are reading this it is safe to assume that you share our infatuation with fly fishing, hunting and probably all things outdoors. Since this is our inaugural article(We HATE the word “post”) we would like to tell you why we are publishing Always A Good Day. The reason is simple. There was no place for other writers and ourselves to publish diverse and entertaining articles with unique perspectives and writing styles about the outdoors until now. As writers, we needed a place where honest opinions, intelligent and atypical writing about fly fishing, hunting or other outdoor pursuits could be published without editorial constraints from marketing departments or sponsors. This is our goal for Always A Good Day.

In the future, we will publish fiction, gear reviews, travel stories and how-to’s from several different authors. All of our writers have years of experience to share and have written for many mainstream fishing and hunting publications. Our unique editorial approach provides them with opportunities to push their limits in style and topics. The articles and stories we publish won’t be written for search engines, gear manufacturers or retail outlets. Instead, they will be wholly geared for the reader’s enjoyment.

Whether it is a fictional story or a truly unbiased gear review, our goal is to satisfy our readers, not our sponsors or Google. We would also like to invite your comments, critiques, and submissions about the work we produce. It will be our readers, not us, who will make Always A Good Day the best online fly fishing and hunting journal possible.

Look for new articles twice a week until we get our legs under us as we work out our initial growing pains. Thank you for your patronage and…

Tight Lines!